Compute Ontario Research Day 2015


The Compute Ontario Research Day 2015 will be held on Thursday, May 21 at the Cambridge campus of Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning.

This will be a day filled with high performance computing related research done in Ontario. Have an interesting research story for which you used high performance computing (such as the facilities at SharcNet, SciNet, and HPCVL)? Want to share you experience with other Ontario HPC users? Consider giving a talk at the meeting.
This is the preeminent provincial high performance computing event at which professors, postdoctoral, graduate, and undergraduate students gather to learn about each other’s high performance computing related work.

The program will consist contributed and poster presentations and four invited speakers:

  • Prof. James Demmel
    Department of Mathematics, Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley
  • Anil K. Goel
    Vice President and Chief Architect, HANA, SAP
  • Prof. Harald Pfeiffer
    Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto
  • Prof. Aristotelis Tsirigos
    Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, New York University

This conference is sponsored by Compute Canada and Compute Ontario, and is a collaborative event between SHARCNET, SciNet, HPCVL, and Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning.

For more information and registration, see
