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30 Apr 11:00 am 12:00 pm

DAT112: Lecture 3

Introduction to neural network programming, lecture 3
DAT112 - Apr 2024
2 May 11:00 am 12:00 pm

DAT112: Lecture 4

Introduction to neural network programming, lecture 4
DAT112 - Apr 2024
7 May 11:00 am 12:00 pm

DAT112: Lecture 5

Introduction to neural network programming, lecture 5
DAT112 - Apr 2024
8 May 1:00 pm 2:30 pm

Intro to Niagara

In about 90 minutes, learn how to use the SciNet systems Niagara and Mist, from securely logging in to running computations on the supercomputer. Experienced users may still pick up some valuable pointers.Format: Virtual Virtual
HPC105 - May 2024Show in Google map
9 May 11:00 am 12:00 pm

DAT112: Lecture 6

Introduction to neural network programming, lecture 6
DAT112 - Apr 2024
13 May 1:00 pm 4:00 pm

Relational Databases

Principles and uses of relational databases with practical examples using python and sqlite on the Niagara supercomputer.Prerequisites: Some Linux command line experience.  Python experience is strongly advised. Format: Virtual Virtual
SCMP231 - May 2024Show in Google map
14 May 11:00 am 12:00 pm

DAT112: Lecture 7

Introduction to neural network programming, lecture 7
DAT112 - Apr 2024
16 May 11:00 am 12:00 pm

DAT112: Lecture 8

Introduction to neural network programming, lecture 8
DAT112 - Apr 2024
21 May 11:00 am 12:00 pm

DAT112: Lecture 9

Introduction to neural network programming, lecture 9
DAT112 - Apr 2024
23 May 11:00 am 12:00 pm

DAT112: Lecture 10

Introduction to neural network programming, lecture 10
DAT112 - Apr 2024
6 Jun 1:30 pm 2:50 pm

CO Summer School S2: Supporting research with Data Management Plans & the DMP Assistant!

This session will provide participants with information, guidance, and resources for supporting research through the development and implementation of data management plans (DMPs). Level: Introductory Length: 1.5 Hours Format: Lecture Prerequisites: None General topics covered will include the importance and benefits of DMPs, their content, and impending DMP requirements relating to the Tri-Agency research data management (RDM) policy. Specific focus will be given to the Digital Research Alliance of Canada DMP Assistant platform that is hosted nationally at the University of Alberta Library, along with a new DMP template developed by the Alliance’s DMP Expert Group (DMPEG). This new template is targeted specifically to support researchers in meeting DMP requirements at the funding opportunity application stage. Additional information relating to an accompanying assessment rubric that is currently in development will be shared. Time will be reserved for questions and discussion. (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
6 Jun 1:30 pm 4:30 pm

Bash idioms, awk, etc.

This workshop explores various concise and useful constructs for working with bash shell. The goal is to improve your shell skills. Attending this class requires some basic GNU/Linux command line experience.Format: Virtual Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
6 Jun 3:00 pm 4:20 pm

CO Summer School S2: Empowering Open Science: An Introduction to Depositing and Sharing Research Data and Code in Borealis

The reproducibility of research is essential to the scientific community, as it ensures the accuracy and reliability of research findings that are used to build upon existing knowledge. However, reproducibility is often hindered by the lack of access to research data, documentation, and code. This workshop will provide an overview of the concepts of open science, reproducibility, and the FAIR principles of research data, as well as explore how to deposit and share data in Borealis, the Canadian Dataverse Repository, a bilingual, multidisciplinary, secure, Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada. Level: Introductory; Length: 1.5 Hours; Format: Lecture; Prerequisites: None (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
7 Jun 9:00 am 10:20 am

CO Summer School S2: Academic Libraries and Machine Learning: Transforming the Library

The application of machine learning (ML) to academic libraries promises to be transformational. A Task Force of the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) has been exploring this technology and identifying specific ML use cases. OCUL is an association of the 21 university libraries in Ontario who collaborate on many shared services and resources. This session will review the work of the Task Force with a focus on use cases, and the requirements and processes to implement pilot programs and production services. Particular attention will be placed on the technology infrastructure (compute, software) and the expertise requirements (technology, domain). Use cases to be discussed include audio to text transcription, metadata creation, virtual reference (chat), and discovery using natural language processing (NLP), semantic search, and summarization. The discovery use case will be applied to some of the extensive data collections maintained by Scholar Portal, the shared resource managed by OCUL, including over 65 million articles from over 27,000 full text scholarly journals and a collection of over 800K digital books and government documents. Participants will be encouraged to engage with key questions about the adoption and use of machine learning in libraries and to provide feedback on the ongoing evolution of this technology as it benefits library applications. Level: Introductory Length: 1.5 Hours Format: Lecture Prerequisites: None (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
7 Jun 9:00 am 12:00 pm

CO Summer School S1: Introduction to C (morning session)

This course will provide hands-on experience on fundamental concepts of programming using C. This will include Conditional statement, Loops(while and for), Arrays, Pointers, Functions and Dynamic memory allocation. An introduction will be provided regarding fundamental data structures such as linked list, stacks, queues and binary trees. Level: Introductory Length: Two 3-Hour Sessions Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: None (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
7 Jun 1:30 pm 2:50 pm

CO Summer School S2: Working with Jupyter on the clusters

Jupyter Notebook is commonly used for interactive computing in Python. This session provides the options and features for working with Jupyter on the Digital Research Alliance of Canada's remote computing clusters and demonstrates several use case examples on the clusters. Level: Introductory Length: 1.5 Hours Format: Lecture + Demonstration Prerequisites: Basic Python and Linux command line experience. (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
7 Jun 1:30 pm 4:30 pm

CO Summer School S1: Introduction to C (afternoon session)

This course will provide hands-on experience on fundamental concepts of programming using C. This will include Conditional statement, Loops(while and for), Arrays, Pointers, Functions and Dynamic memory allocation. An introduction will be provided regarding fundamental data structures such as linked list, stacks, queues and binary trees. Level: Introductory Length: Two 3-Hour Sessions Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: None (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
7 Jun 3:00 pm 4:20 pm

CO Summer School S2: Using Odesi for Survey and Public Opinion Research

Odesi ( is a Canadian social science data repository and online data exploration and analysis tool. Odesi’s collections include over 5,700 historical and contemporary surveys and public opinion polls from a variety of data providers such as Statistics Canada and the Canadian Opinion Research Archive (CORA). This workshop will demonstrate how to effectively search for and access data within Odesi on a variety of social, economic, and political topics. Attendees will learn how to navigate the interface, using search features and available collections, explore survey questions (variables), perform basic tabulations and analysis using connected tools, and download datasets into statistical software (e.g. R, SPSS) for further analysis. Level: Introductory Length: 1.5 Hours Format: Lecture Prerequisites: None (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
10 Jun 9:00 am 12:00 pm

CO Summer School S1: Text Mining

This workshop introduces the topic of text mining and its applications. It covers different encoding mechanisms to convert text into numbers that algorithms can handle. It gives an overview of different text mining tasks, including de-identification, sentiment analysis and document clustering, and how they work with examples and live demos. There will also be references to state-of-the-art tools and libraries to conduct various text mining tasks. Level: Introductory Length: 3 Hours Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: Basic Python (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
18 Jun 1:30 pm 4:30 pm

CO Summer School S2: Introduction to Scalable and Accelerated Data Analytics (session 1/2)

Modern C++ is an efficient, versatile programming language. This workshop will focus on the following in both sequential and parallel contexts: using pseudo-random number generators, making use of reduction options using underlying sequential code, making simple use of in-situ code benchmarking/profiling, and, using mdspan for accessing multi-dimensional arrays and multi-dimensional array slices (submdspan). By the end of these sessions, one will have learnt about sequential and parallel uses of: C++ pseudo-random number generators and their use, C++ std::reduce(), std::transform_reduce(), etc. and C++ parallel algorithms and some of their uses and caveats, using std::chrono facilities, e.g., for in-situ benchmarks, and, how to use multi-dimensional arrays and slices in C++ code. Level: Intermediate Length: Four 3-Hour Sessions (2 Days) Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: Experience developing sequential code in C++. (The C++ programming language is not the C programming language. Experience is expected programming in C++, e.g., using the standard library's containers, iterators, and algorithms.) (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
19 Jun 9:00 am 12:00 pm

CO Summer School S2: Scientific visualization (morning session)

During this workshop, we will learn about matplotlib which is a popular Python library that is great for 2D visualizations, and ParaView, a free and open-source visualization tool for creating 3D visualizations of your datasets. In this interactive workshop you will get familiar with how ParaView works and at the end you should be able to generate basic visualizations of the demo data. Level: Introductory Length: Two 3-Hour Sessions Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: None (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
19 Jun 9:00 am 12:00 pm

CO Summer School S1: GPU programming: CUDA (day 3, morning session)

This is an introductory course covering programming and computing on GPUs - graphics processing units - which are an increasingly common presence in massively parallel computing architectures. The basics of GPU programming will be covered, and students will work through a number of hands on examples. The structuring of data and computations that makes full use of the GPU will be discussed in detail. Students should be able to leave the course with the knowledge necessary to begin developing their own GPU applications. Level: Introductory Length: Six 3-Hour Sessions (3 Days) Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: Alliance Account Basic C and/or C++ experience (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
19 Jun 1:30 pm 4:30 pm

CO Summer School S2: Scientific visualization (afternoon session)

During this workshop, we will learn about matplotlib which is a popular Python library that is great for 2D visualizations, and ParaView, a free and open-source visualization tool for creating 3D visualizations of your datasets. In this interactive workshop you will get familiar with how ParaView works and at the end you should be able to generate basic visualizations of the demo data. Level: Introductory Length: Two 3-Hour Sessions Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: None (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
19 Jun 1:30 pm 4:30 pm

CO Summer School S1: GPU programming: CUDA (day 3, afternoon session)

This is an introductory course covering programming and computing on GPUs - graphics processing units - which are an increasingly common presence in massively parallel computing architectures. The basics of GPU programming will be covered, and students will work through a number of hands on examples. The structuring of data and computations that makes full use of the GPU will be discussed in detail. Students should be able to leave the course with the knowledge necessary to begin developing their own GPU applications. Level: Introductory Length: Six 3-Hour Sessions (3 Days) Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: Alliance Account Basic C and/or C++ experience (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
20 Jun 9:00 am 12:00 pm

CO Summer School S1: Databases and SQL (day 1, morning session)

In our digitally-driven world, databases are the cornerstone of virtually every online service and application. They help store your favourite songs on music platforms, track orders on shopping sites, and keep your personal information safe and sound. These incredible systems are the backbone of our digital universe, silently and efficiently managing the vast oceans of data that flow through our daily lives. From the social media sites we share with our friends to the online transactions that make our lives easier, databases are the unsung heroes, diligently organizing, storing, and retrieving information with remarkable precision. Whether you're a technical professional or just beginning to explore data management, the journey into the realm of databases is both enlightening and rewarding, offering endless opportunities for discovery and innovation. Together, we will explore the secrets that make our connected world tick. Level: Introductory Length: Four 3-Hour Sessions (2 Days) Format: Lecture+Hands-on Prerequisites: Basic programming knowledge Installation of MySQL on one's personal computer (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
20 Jun 9:00 am 12:00 pm

CO Summer School S2: Modern C++ Parallel Programming (day 2, morning session)

Modern C++ is an efficient, versatile programming language. This workshop will focus on the following in both sequential and parallel contexts: using pseudo-random number generators, making use of reduction options using underlying sequential code, making simple use of in-situ code benchmarking/profiling, and, using mdspan for accessing multi-dimensional arrays and multi-dimensional array slices (submdspan). By the end of these sessions, one will have learnt about sequential and parallel uses of: C++ pseudo-random number generators and their use, C++ std::reduce(), std::transform_reduce(), etc. and C++ parallel algorithms and some of their uses and caveats, using std::chrono facilities, e.g., for in-situ benchmarks, and, how to use multi-dimensional arrays and slices in C++ code. Level: Intermediate Length: Four 3-Hour Sessions (2 Days) Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: Experience developing sequential code in C++. (The C++ programming language is not the C programming language. Experience is expected programming in C++, e.g., using the standard library's containers, iterators, and algorithms.) (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
20 Jun 1:30 pm 4:30 pm

CO Summer School S1: Databases and SQL (day 1, afternoon session)

In our digitally-driven world, databases are the cornerstone of virtually every online service and application. They help store your favourite songs on music platforms, track orders on shopping sites, and keep your personal information safe and sound. These incredible systems are the backbone of our digital universe, silently and efficiently managing the vast oceans of data that flow through our daily lives. From the social media sites we share with our friends to the online transactions that make our lives easier, databases are the unsung heroes, diligently organizing, storing, and retrieving information with remarkable precision. Whether you're a technical professional or just beginning to explore data management, the journey into the realm of databases is both enlightening and rewarding, offering endless opportunities for discovery and innovation. Together, we will explore the secrets that make our connected world tick. Level: Introductory Length: Four 3-Hour Sessions (2 Days) Format: Lecture+Hands-on Prerequisites: Basic programming knowledge Installation of MySQL on one's personal computer (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
20 Jun 1:30 pm 4:30 pm

CO Summer School S2: Modern C++ Parallel Programming (day 2, afternoon session)

Modern C++ is an efficient, versatile programming language. This workshop will focus on the following in both sequential and parallel contexts: using pseudo-random number generators, making use of reduction options using underlying sequential code, making simple use of in-situ code benchmarking/profiling, and, using mdspan for accessing multi-dimensional arrays and multi-dimensional array slices (submdspan). By the end of these sessions, one will have learnt about sequential and parallel uses of: C++ pseudo-random number generators and their use, C++ std::reduce(), std::transform_reduce(), etc. and C++ parallel algorithms and some of their uses and caveats, using std::chrono facilities, e.g., for in-situ benchmarks, and, how to use multi-dimensional arrays and slices in C++ code. Level: Intermediate Length: Four 3-Hour Sessions (2 Days) Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: Experience developing sequential code in C++. (The C++ programming language is not the C programming language. Experience is expected programming in C++, e.g., using the standard library's containers, iterators, and algorithms.) (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
21 Jun 9:00 am 12:00 pm

CO Summer School S1: Databases and SQL (day 2, morning session)

In our digitally-driven world, databases are the cornerstone of virtually every online service and application. They help store your favourite songs on music platforms, track orders on shopping sites, and keep your personal information safe and sound. These incredible systems are the backbone of our digital universe, silently and efficiently managing the vast oceans of data that flow through our daily lives. From the social media sites we share with our friends to the online transactions that make our lives easier, databases are the unsung heroes, diligently organizing, storing, and retrieving information with remarkable precision. Whether you're a technical professional or just beginning to explore data management, the journey into the realm of databases is both enlightening and rewarding, offering endless opportunities for discovery and innovation. Together, we will explore the secrets that make our connected world tick. Level: Introductory Length: Four 3-Hour Sessions (2 Days) Format: Lecture+Hands-on Prerequisites: Basic programming knowledge Installation of MySQL on one's personal computer (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
21 Jun 9:00 am 12:00 pm

CO Summer School S2: Bioinformatics - Introduction and Metagenomics (morning session)

Bioinformatics, the interdisciplinary field at the intersection of biology and computational science, has revolutionized our understanding of life processes. In this one-day course, we will first tune your HPC knowledge/skills towards bioinformatics computing. Then a typical metagenomics pipeline will be explored to introduce common tools used in bioinformatic analysis and to show how they can be run in an HPC environment. Join us for an immersive day of hands-on exploration in the captivating world of bioinformatics and metagenomics! Level: Introductory Length: Two 3-Hour Sessions Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: Alliance Account Basic understanding of biology and familiarity with Unix shells (e.g. bash, zsh, etc.). (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
21 Jun 1:30 pm 4:30 pm

CO Summer School S2: Bioinformatics - Introduction and Metagenomics (afternoon session)

Bioinformatics, the interdisciplinary field at the intersection of biology and computational science, has revolutionized our understanding of life processes. In this one-day course, we will first tune your HPC knowledge/skills towards bioinformatics computing. Then a typical metagenomics pipeline will be explored to introduce common tools used in bioinformatic analysis and to show how they can be run in an HPC environment. Join us for an immersive day of hands-on exploration in the captivating world of bioinformatics and metagenomics! Level: Introductory Length: Two 3-Hour Sessions Format: Lecture + Hands-on Prerequisites: Alliance Account Basic understanding of biology and familiarity with Unix shells (e.g. bash, zsh, etc.). (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
21 Jun 1:30 pm 4:30 pm

CO Summer School S1: Databases and SQL (day 2, afternoon session)

In our digitally-driven world, databases are the cornerstone of virtually every online service and application. They help store your favourite songs on music platforms, track orders on shopping sites, and keep your personal information safe and sound. These incredible systems are the backbone of our digital universe, silently and efficiently managing the vast oceans of data that flow through our daily lives. From the social media sites we share with our friends to the online transactions that make our lives easier, databases are the unsung heroes, diligently organizing, storing, and retrieving information with remarkable precision. Whether you're a technical professional or just beginning to explore data management, the journey into the realm of databases is both enlightening and rewarding, offering endless opportunities for discovery and innovation. Together, we will explore the secrets that make our connected world tick. Level: Introductory Length: Four 3-Hour Sessions (2 Days) Format: Lecture+Hands-on Prerequisites: Basic programming knowledge Installation of MySQL on one's personal computer (part of the 2024 Compute Ontario Summer School) Virtual
COSS2024Show in Google map
8 Jul 12:00 pm 3:00 pm

Intro to Quantum Computing, Lecture 1

This course will provide an introduction to the theory, formalisms and algorithms of quantum computing.  The programming language will be Python; experience with Python will be assumed.  Experience with quantum mechanics is not necessary; an introductory-level understanding of linear algebra will be assumed.This will be an in-person course, July 8 - 12, 12:00 - 3:00pm.This course has been cancelled due to lack of attendance. SciNet Teaching Room
SCMP151 - Jul 2024Show in Google map